Wattech stock a wide range of customizable stage equipment however here is a list of some of our most popular items. If you can't see what you require or would like a customised design please call us and a member of our team will be more than happy to discuss your requirements.

Helps to keep performers safe with these handrails.

Modular Stage Stairs
Our modular stage legs can be built to any stage height.

Stage Clamp
The GT Stage Clamp secures the stage decks together to ensure safety.

Pleated Stage Skirt
The finishing touch for all stage sizes

Adjusting Stairs
Self adjusting stairs to fit all stage heights

Stage Leveller
The GT Stage Leveller slides in between the stage decks to help create a level surface.

Flat Stage Skirt
The finishing touch for your stage.

Custom Stage Ramp
Enabling disabled access to the stage. The ramps are constructed on site.

Leg Clamp
GT Leg clamps come in 2 or 4 way and are perfect for securing staging that is different heights and unable to clamp.